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Scoop! Wilderness 100% sustainably grown plants and even 30% organic!
But a plant is always organic, right? It’s green and it’s growing?! That’s right, but many people don’t realize that most houseplants are sprayed preventively with toxic substances against critters and that fertilizers are used to quickly grow the plants. The use of chemicals is bad for the environment outside your home, but in the case of indoor plants you also bring the pesticides into your home.
Plants that have been propagated quickly with fertilizer can be compared to the ‘plofkip’. Such a floppy plant is not happy and healthy and will also have a harder time surviving in your home, be more susceptible to bugs and diseases and will probably arrive at your home on exhausted soil.
Wildernis therefore only sells houseplants that have been grown as sustainably as possible with at least the MPS-A or A+ sustainability certificate.
As of now, even 30% of our houseplants are organically grown. Wildernis is the only store in the Netherlands that offers such a wide range of organic houseplants.
Growers of organic houseplants are unfortunately scarce, but we have succeeded in significantly increasing the share of organic houseplants by finding new growers in neighboring countries. We are quite proud of that!
Click here for the difference between sustainable and organic plants.