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More and more companies are organizing their business operations in a sustainable and responsible manner. This also includes furnishing offices or business premises with responsibly produced plants, using as few poisons and other harmful substances as possible. It is Wildernis’ mission to green as many spaces as possible with sustainably grown plants.
All growers that Wildernis works with are at least MPS-A or A+ certified, which is a worldwide standard for a sustainable and responsible way of growing plants.
Would you like to know more about Wildernis’ sustainable plants and products? Click here.
Planting at companies is increasingly appreciated, it has positive effects on health and creates a pleasant atmosphere. No organization is the same, which is why we provide customized interior planting to suit your organization.
We take care of the green design of your spaces from start to finish, including the installation and maintenance of all plants. This means that no one within your company has to worry about whether the office plants are in good condition or spend valuable time on maintenance. Curious about what we can do for you with our own Wildernis signature? Contact us here and we will be happy to help you.
Plants need love and we are happy to bring it. Planting and maintenance are inextricably linked. We can completely unburden you in maintenance. We have two options for maintenance:
Full maintenance including replacement warranty:
Full maintenance is included, including a replacement warranty for plants. We provide the correct watering, feeding, pruning, (preventive) disease, and pest control in a responsible and organic manner. The plants look healthy and fresh and you get a replacement guarantee on all plants.
Quarterly maintenance:
You are responsible for maintenance yourself. We come by 4 times a year for pruning, feeding and (preventative) disease and pest control, of course in a responsible and organic way.
If you do not want to make an upfront investment by purchasing plants, our plants can also be leased. We make it easy for you with leasing because the plants, including pots and containers, are leased from Wildernis for a periodic lease amount. The costs for maintenance and possible replacement of the plants are fully included in the lease amount so that you can always enjoy healthy and fresh plants without worries and an upfront investment.
People feel better in the vicinity of plants. This not only ensures a more pleasant working environment, but also improved social-emotional well-being, improved cognitive ability, less absenteeism, and less stress. Plants also have an air-purifying effect and provide better humidity in the room. Several studies have proven the positive health effects of plants in the working space. Do you want to read more about this, click here.