Health effects of plants in the office

Numerous scientific studies have shown the benefits of more greenery in the workplace.

Humans have an innate desire to be connected to nature, what scientists call ” biophilia .” Unfortunately, the spaces where we spend most of our days do not connect with nature.

Several studies have shown that simply adding some greenery to the workplace in the form of houseplants can have significant positive benefits on humans. A number of positive effects are explained below.


Improved air quality

Plants act as natural air filters. They absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene, and increase oxygen levels, making the air you breathe cleaner and fresher. Research by NASA has shown that certain houseplants are effective in improving indoor air quality. This leads to a reduction in headaches, fatigue and other symptoms of poor air quality.

Visual appeal

People who work in an office with plants rate their workplace as much more attractive. Research shows that this will remain the case in the longer term, so the workplace will continue to be found attractive by employees for a long time.

Increased productivity

Research from the University of Groningen shows that the presence of plants in the office can increase productivity by 15% to 19%. The green environment stimulates creativity, improves concentration and reduces stress, resulting in a more efficient and pleasant working environment.

Reduced stress and more positive mood

The calming effects of plants have been scientifically proven. Looking at greenery can lower blood pressure and promote a feeling of calm and relaxation. Interacting with plants in a workspace can significantly reduce stress. This leads to lower stress levels and a more positive state of mind, making employees feel happier and healthier.

Reduced absenteeism due to illness

An additional advantage of plants in the office is the possible reduction in absenteeism due to illness. Research from the University of Wageningen has shown that people who work in a room with plants report sick less often . The research shows a 20% decrease in absenteeism due to illness . This is likely due to the improved air quality and reduced stress levels, which strengthen workers’ immune systems and make them less susceptible to illness.

A TNO study ‘Working with plants’ recommends: “Tired employees and employees with health problems in particular benefit from plants, and this also applies to full-time workers because they work near plants for longer. The advice we can give is to distribute the plants evenly throughout the organization when planting plants, so that all employees benefit from them. This is also important because the health and fatigue complaints in question occur in relatively many employees (at least 40% of all Dutch employees). The recommendation is to place one plant per two employees or one plant per 12 m2 of office space.

Sound absorption

Plants can also help reduce environmental noise. The leaves absorb and reflect sound waves, resulting in a quieter and more focused workplace. This is especially useful in open plan offices where background noise is often a problem.